Local Companies Supporting Each Other

Finning has been a long time partner of the Tuccaro Group.  Here is the local crew with a rebuilt Neegan D9 dozer.  Finning was able to rebuild the dozer and get it back out to work at Syncrude for Neegan in just 7 weeks!

Partnerships like this are what make working in the Wood Buffalo Oil Sands so rewarding!

Thanks to the crew at Finning for a job well done!


Local Companies Supporting Each Other

Finning has been a long time partner of the Tuccaro Group.  Here is the local crew with a rebuilt Neegan D9 dozer.  Finning was able to rebuild the dozer and get it back out to work at Syncrude for Neegan in just 7 weeks!

Partnerships like this are what make working in the Wood Buffalo Oil Sands so rewarding!

Thanks to the crew at Finning for a job well done!



Santa Claus Parade

What a way to kick off the Christmas Season!  We had great weather and loved to see the smiling faces at this year’s Santa Claus Parade.

The Tuccaro Group at the Santa Claus Parade NeeganParade WPS TUCS3

Santa Claus Parade

What a way to kick off the Christmas Season!  We had great weather and loved to see the smiling faces at this year’s Santa Claus Parade.

TUCS3 WPS NeeganParade