Annual Métis Festival

The McMurray Métis are hosting the Annual Métis Festival Thursday, May 31 at the Métis Local Grounds, 441 Sakitawaw Trail.  Come on down between 10am-4pm to enjoy live music, Elders Crib Tournament and kids games and support Métis culture! The event is free and open to the public.

For more information on the McMurray Métis, visit

NAABA and CCAB Supply Change

NAABA hosted a Procurement Showcase in Calgary on May 9th, allowing NAABA members the opportunity to network with procurement leaders throughout industry.

The event’s timing coincided with the CCAB Aboriginal Economic Development Conference  and Gala on May 10th.  Both events sold out and were a huge success for the CCAB to share its new Aboriginal Procurement Strategy.

Suncor’s Chief Operating Officer Mark Little, Co-Chair of CCAB’s Aboriginal Procurement Champions initiative, spoke to the entire conference including other leaders in industry that there is a responsibility incumbent on each of them to change the course of history, to step in and intervene when necessary, to be willing to assist and build capacity for aboriginal businesses.  Suncor has always been a leader and champion for Aboriginal businesses and continue to set the benchmark for others to follow.

Tuccaro Group Founder Dave Tuccaro was a panelist in a session on “Case Study on Best Practices” along with John Babichuk, Director Supply Chain, Civeo, who are one of CCAB’s Aboriginal Procurement Champions.  Also on the panel was Howard McIntyre, Senior Vice President Supply Chain for Suncor.  Tuccaro Group has had successful long standing partnerships with both Civeo and Suncor and we are proud to be affiliated with companies so committed to economic success for aboriginal businesses and communities.

It was a productive few days!  Thanks to NAABA and the CCAB for creating such great opportunities.

For more information on CCAB’s Supply Change Initiative please click the link below:

H.E.R.O: the Helicopter Emergency Response Organization

On May 5th in Fort McMurray, the community gathered to raise money for the local Hero Foundation in support of saving lives. H.E.R.O: the helicopter emergency response organization is the foundation that provides medivac helicopters to the Wood Buffalo area on a 24/7 basis. A critical life saving service that strengthens healthcare in this remote northern community. Both Neegan Technical Services and Tuccaro Inc. made donations in support this past Saturday night while celebrating the Cinqo de Mayo themed festivities. Another showing of strength in the community, the event raised $221,000! For those who missed the event, individuals are still able to contribute to the Speed of Life campaign via PayPal on the ymmHERO website and the Local HERO Foundation Facebook page.